The Joys of the Winter Solstice!

Dec. 21 was a glorious day in Central Park, for I was able to see my first male green-winged teal, plus Woody, a young male pintail duck, lots of mallards, and a couple of hawks. I was also able to feed chickadees, nuthatches, tufted titmice, sparrows, woodpeckers, squirrels, pigeons and other hungry wildlife in the park (no pictures of the smaller birds on this day, because the birds were on my hands or on my hat or camera).

Green-winged teal drake at the Pond in Central Park, Dec. 21, 2016

Green-winged teal drake at the Pond in Central Park, Dec. 21, 2016

On the Christmas front, I posted a short version of the Christmas story told in art at the Cloisters on Facebook, but a longer one on YouTube. I hope you enjoy it!

Another photo of the green-winged teal, our dear Woody!, the little pintail duck (now called Pinny), and some foliage visible from Gapstow Bridge. Look for some of these characters to appear in the Christmas in New York Central Park video!

Young red-tailed hawk near the Boathouse, Central Park, Dec. 21, 2016

Young red-tailed hawk near the Boathouse, Central Park, Dec. 21, 2016