Flowers, Art and Other Video Musings

Cloisters 1500 4-12-2016 Unicorn2.jpg

I have recently been creating additions to the Another Silly Video by Susan Kirby series on YouTube. My previous posting includes a video ode to spring flowers and the New York Botanical Garden. Here are another two recent videos.

A Rainy Day Visit to the Cloisters is a brief tour of the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art building in Fort Tryon Park in Manhattan. After living 45 years in New York City, I finally made my way up there on April 12. I set it to Medieval dance tunes performed by Paul Arden-Taylor. The museum doesn't want video taken inside, so I made this a video photo album.

The hawk pair at Grant's Tomb had a very successful breeding and nesting period. This video was shot April 12 and 15, as the Mama hawk appeared to be successfully feeding young hatchlings. However, as of the second week in May, there has been no signs of activity in the nest, and we fear the youngsters may have died or been killed.