A Glimpse of a Scott's Oriole

EDITOR'S NOTE: I have been reliably informed that this is NOT a Scott's Oriole, but instead is a black-headed grosbeak. My apologies for the misidentification, and I will be redoing the video and the entry on the Photography page soon. January 14, 2018

Scott's oriole, Camp Verde, Arizona, May 3, 2016

Scott's oriole, Camp Verde, Arizona, May 3, 2016

On May 3, while I was visiting in Camp Verde, Arizona, a male Scott's oriole visited my hostess's feeders just long enough for me to take a little video and some photos. I'm finally editing all my photos from that trip, and here's the latest Filming the Feathers video. The photos below are included in the video.

The Scott's oriole is about 9 inches from beak to tail, and loves insects, fruit, nectar, and apparently sunflower seeds and peanuts. It is found all over Arizona.