A trip to Governors Island on September 18 yielded few warblers, but lots of flowers, bugs, butterflies, other birds, and a very tasty bratwurst sandwich at Little Eva’s.
Red, White and Blue on the Fourth!
Here Comes Santa Claus!
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is the unofficial launch of the Christmas season in New York City. Yes, some of the stores have already put up decorations and installed their holiday windows, but until Santa Claus arrives at Herald Square on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas isn't really on the horizon in the Big Apple!
Santa Claus at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Nov. 23
I went to the parade on November 23, and though I was somewhat back of the crowd at 72nd Street and Central Park West, I managed to film the balloons and some of the tops of the floats. No chance to really see the marching bands (until I ran down to Sixth Avenue and Central Park South to see Santa a second time). I set the parade movie to some fun music from the YouTube Audio Library.
I don't go to the parade every year. It is just too stressful. (I almost lost it with an alpha male who complained that I was bumping into him when I lifted my camera to film — maybe he had a point, but his complaint was so hostile and threatening, and he was in a crowded area where one would definitely expect to be bumped — so I tried to move away from his as best I could.)
Harold the Baseball Player
But all in all, it was fun to see the balloons and watch the kids wave back to the people on the floats.